Global Gulag

Global Gulag
The New World Order WAR against America Archive Articles by SARTRE from BATR

Friday, January 31, 2014

"Neoliberal" Globalisation

How different the world looks depending where you live and the culture that shapes your thinking. Attitudes from the Third World are not the most popular topic or dynamic input for global policy makers. Nevertheless, there is a growing reproach in the value of the doctrine of globalism, coming out of the subcontinent. If you haven’t been living under a rock, you know that the hottest transfer of service related jobs is taking place. Transferring functions to India is supposed to be good business - enhancing total return - for the competitively minded corporations.

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Thursday, January 30, 2014

CAFTA: Wall Street vs Main Street

Have you heard of CAFTA - Central America Free Trade Accord? Well, if you are glued to the 24 hour news cycle, you still might have missed that this agreement is starting to move on the fast track. But for those who are familiar with this extension of the NAFTA disaster, south of the Mexican border, you might wonder where are the voices of mainstream conservatives? The noise that does exist, mostly comes out of the “progressive” left, if not the liberal side of the Congressional aisle. How come? 

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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

NeoCons are a terminal disease

In a seminal essay, Pat Buchanan - No End to War - the real enemy of America is exposed. Once and for all the plague of the Neoconservative is laid bare for all to see. Specifically, the book - An End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terror - by David Frum and Richard Perle is examined. Mr Buchanan expresses hope: “on putting down Perle’s new book the thought recurs: the neoconservative moment may be over. For they are not only losing their hold on power, they are losing their grip on reality”. 

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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

All's well with Afghanistan opium trade

Business is booming! "Two years after the ousting of the Taliban regime, which had cracked down ruthlessly on the cultivation of opium, production of the substance last year hit 3,600 tones, up 6 per cent over the previous year, and surveys of farmers show a further increase is likely this year." This war against terrorists is great for the drug trade. See any pattern when troops are garrisoned? The protection racket just runs their traffic with more efficiency. 

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Monday, January 27, 2014

No where to go and no where to hide

The European Satellite Navigation System GALILEO, will be the next generation GPS - Global Position System - and a separate tracking technology that will usher in total planetary surveillance. This program is a joint initiative of the European Commission and the European Space Agency (ESA). As stressed in the European Commission White Paper on European transport policy for 2010, the European Union needs an independent satellite navigation system. Galileo is Europe's contribution to a global navigation satellite infrastructure (GNSS). 

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Friday, January 24, 2014

UPS - Wal-Mart and Inflation

All the promotion for a worldwide economy as the answer, misses the mark, when Americans shop for their basic needs. Recently a corporate institution, United Parcel Service of America, issued a press release an announced an account that offers an insight in things to come. The UPS report, called Operating in Unison, provides a detailed look at the company's impact on communities worldwide, both progress made and areas where the company remains constructively dissatisfied. To place this in perspective UPS would be considered a major employer. 

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Thursday, January 23, 2014

What is Conservative Populism?

Do you consider yourself a conservative? Many well intentioned but misguided souls like to maintain a fallacy that they are part of the right-wing; especially when they support Republicans. These bewildered partisans have bought into an illusion that a conservative is a supporter of the status quo. They often believe that any politician who proclaims they are a champion of a GOP regime are really traditionalists. Some even go so far as to consider it impossible for any Democrat to hold any sentiments that could possibly resemble a conservative viewpoint. 

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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Globalization: Exporting America

One pleasant surprise that comes out of the Communist News Network is that Lou Dobbs has air time. CNN is pure party line propaganda in most instances, but the relentless emphasis that Dobbs is placing on the sell out of America is right on the mark. The free traders over at MSNBC must be worried, as the marching band at Fox News keeps up their beat. It seems that those pesky facts keep popping up that are supposed to be ignored or swept under the carpet. Most likely that rug has a made NOT in the USA label on it. 

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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Supreme Court Protects the State

The highest court in the land operates with one purpose - Preserving the Protection Racket. The idea that the U.S. Constitution means what it says and that the Bill of Rights has the categorical purpose of safekeeping individual rights, is ignored by the black ropes. Little attention has been given in the media to the refusal of the court to hear and rule on Silveira v. Lockyer, 312 F3d 1052 (9th Cir. 2002) a Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision that the Second Amendment affords Americans no personal right to own firearms. By declining to take up this review, the Supreme Court ruled as every court has with their silence, since 1939.

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Monday, January 20, 2014

George Soros is the Issue

The amazing degree of disinformation over the recent Global Gulag column - Satan lives in George Soros - pales to the sanctimonious hypocrisy published in Joe Conason's Journal, on Either Mr Conason is intellectually disable or suffers from an integrity challenged condition. The essay is about GEORGE SOROS. Attempts to divert or deflect from the reality that GEORGE SOROS trades in depravity are typical when the facts are undeniable. So “Uncle Joe” reverts to attacking the messenger since the message is unassailable. So “Uncle Joe” reverts to attacking the messenger since the message is unassailable. Disingenuous seems to be the chosen substitute for the Dzhugashivili family name. 

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Friday, January 17, 2014

Satan lives in George Soros

The fiction which is interdependency has a prolocutor in the congregation of Moloch. His name is George Soros. No other single person represents the symbol and the substance of Globalism more than this Hungarian-born descendant of Shylock.  He is the embodiment of the Merchant from Venice. His public reputation as an astute currency speculator is generous, while his skills as a manipulator and procurer of pain and suffering is shrouded in the footnotes of the financial journals. Claiming to be a philanthropist, his record is literally one of being a patron for indentured enslavement. 

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Thursday, January 16, 2014

International Court of Justice

The central issue in international affairs centers upon a definition on the nature of sovereignty. Nations have long been in retreat to the whims of the world community. Seldom is there a vigorous defense of the independence of individual States. The historic norm of self-government has transformed into acquiescence, and justice is seen as a function of the international will. The idea that freedom resides within the boundaries of a civil state, now conflicts with the larger aspirations of collective governments.

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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Paranoia is home spun

Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz saw first hand the risk of the policy that he helped to fashion. Baghdad is starting to resemble Jerusalem with reoccurring bombing on a scale that scatters any myth that Iraq is improving. As the colonial occupation continues, reminders of why the U.S. is garrisoned in the Middle East are becoming all too frequent. Does any public official ever learn or will it take the franchising of the Rashid Hotel on domestic soil to drive the point home? 

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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A "taikonaut" and spy in the sky

Another proud day in the history of galactic discovery. China joins the twins of Gemini and becomes the third brother. "For us, it's nice to have another brother in space," said American Kenneth Bowersox, who commanded Expedition Six to the ISS. A Russian space official associated with the 16-nation station also welcomed the Chinese achievement. So is this heartfelt generosity or just a script from a public relations release? 

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Monday, January 13, 2014

Cuba a threat or an opportunity?

According to Center for Defense Information, one of those lobby groups you might find popping up on the HBO series K Street, announces in their mission statement: “Many Americans believe U.S. national interests would be better served by a policy of engagement with Cuba, regardless of political differences. They believe that dialogue and relationship-building with Cuba are essential to prepare for the inevitable change of regime and to encourage the long-term stability of the Caribbean region . . . In that spirit, the Center for Defense Information has sponsored annual trips to Cuba by delegations of retired high-ranking American military officers, former diplomats, and other defense experts to engage in professional exchanges with Cuban military officials, both active-duty and retired.” 

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Friday, January 10, 2014

Prince of Darkness is not the problem

The rush to condemn Robert Novak illustrates the underlying agenda of the mainstream media. The “Prince of Darkness” is one of the very few national syndicated columnists that understands the nature of our Republic and has the guts to defend it. Shame on a society that turns on such a champion, who has the courage to tell the truth, as it blabbers establishment nonsense and endless apologies for the crooks that permeate the praetorian guard. When the cat calls come - as reported by Howard Kurtz in the Washington Post - from the likes of the Nation’s writer David Corn called the leak a "thuggish act," New York Times columnist Paul Krugman called it a "criminal act." and the depraved Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) is mortified beyond description, you know that the diversion is under way. 

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Thursday, January 9, 2014

Oil Roustabout Economy

This is a story about stevedores of the world. No land too isolated, no climate too hostile and no sea too remote - to be left unexplored. The insatiable hunger to feed the machines of technocrazy isn’t restricted to robots or androids. Nay, it’s core tool is foreign policy. The world turns on money. Oil is the prevailing fuel that burns the engines of commerce. Computer networks may be the controller, information data the pertinent valued commodity, but oil is still the indispensable ingredient. Or so we are told for the foreseeable future. 

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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

911 + 2

Two years after, are you safer now? Has the world really changed or has it just been manipulated one more time? How about the 64 dollar question: Is the United States a victim or have the policies for decades been rooted in an insane death wish? From the ‘Strappado Wrack’ 9/11/01 article - When Will America Learn? - that some publishers refused to publish: “America will cease to exist when totalitarian measures will be readily accepted by a public who's emotional naiveté will scream for retribution! Folks, the enemy is us; for our involvement in the creation of hostilities that seeks to obliterate our symbols of 'Pax America'.

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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Pharisee Christians

Artificial Christians are AWOL: apostate whores - orthodoxy lost. What does it means to be a believer?  The most fundamental canon is to accept the Creator as Lord. Since this concept seems to evade the store bought social climbers who pretend to be religious, why not just settle this issue once and for all time.

The total disconnect, from simple logic, would have you accept that a Nation assembled upon the “free exercise thereof” of religion must ban the expression of belief in the Deity of creation, as a condition of a free society.

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Monday, January 6, 2014

The New Deal built the New World Order

When a nations fails to learn the true history of its past, the people are doomed to reside within a fairy tale of delusions. Once that deception becomes ingrained into the popular culture, the task of the tyrant simplifies. How soon the country is transformed into a civic ordeal and betrayal of principle and heritage. Then, the masses cling to the big lie as fact; the new gospel for the social order becomes transformed into a somber reality. Finally, only the very few question its veracity.

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Friday, January 3, 2014

The Plan - Apartheid Wall

By now you must have seen the size of this gader hafradeh ("separation fence"). According to Nigel Parry on The Electronic Intifada: "Israel's Separation Barrier, dubbed the "Apartheid Wall" or "Berlin Wall" by Palestinians, has increasingly attracted international media attention, largely due to the hard-to-ignore scale of the project. The most obvious historical parallel to the barrier is the Berlin Wall, which was 96 miles long (155 kilometers). Israel's barrier, still under construction, is expected to reach at least 403 miles in length (650 kilometers). The average height of the Berlin Wall was 11.8 feet (3.6 metres), compared with the maximum* current height of Israel's Wall -- 25 feet (8 metres)." 

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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Globalism Dissension

Did you hear that Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Perle attended the last Bilderberg meeting near Versailles? Even if you are a skeptic of the dominance of these elites, one can hardly dismiss their influence. So when there is a rare dispute among their ranks, it would be news. However, reports in the mainstream press about the latest plans of this shrouded collaboration is the only secret that is kept in the rush to scoop the continuous news cycle.

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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

To Protect and Serve

Whether you like the police or not, we all have experiences in dealing with them in one capacity or another. Officers are humans beings, your neighbor and maybe part of your own family. Robo Cop has yet to get a patrol car or go on duty. So why do so many public safety careerists want to be separate from the populace, while chasing a claim of special privilege?

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