Global Gulag

Global Gulag
The New World Order WAR against America Archive Articles by SARTRE from BATR

Monday, March 31, 2014

Central Banks, BIS and Goldman Sachs Coercion

Did you ever wonder why countries allow private central banks to issue their money? Somehow, missing in the self-governing status of governments is the courage to deny the seduction or the threats of the global banking cabal, over the control of a nation’s currency. How did this obvious usurpation of independence become an unquestioned acceptance by the very governments who proclaim to be sovereign nations? The answer reveals that the right of autonomous government is now dependent upon the approval of the banking cartel. The myth that a historic country can exert their populist will and financial self-determination, when it conflicts or opposes the interest and objectives of the moneychangers, is outright fantasy. 

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Friday, March 28, 2014

The Cowardly Congress and the Tyrannical President

One way to look at the artificial conflict over the debt ceiling theater is in terms of Gypsy Rose Lee doing the striptease fan dance. The beltway burlesque script is designed never to solve real problems. Give the public a glimmer of desire by way of a glimpse of fantasy. The dream of financial sanity and government responsibility is as remote as integrity from the political class. At the core of the two-step is a fundamental dishonesty about changing much less reforming the way business is conducted in the age of totalitarian collectivism. Now, this is entertainment if the dire consequences were not so profound. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Political Toadies and a Broken Down System

All the Statesmen are dead. The worst of society rise to the top of the food chain. Habitual liars run for civic office and the most skilled prevaricator gain seniority. The shyster class runs roughshod over the jurisprudences for the benefit of the enablers of the corrupt criminal syndicate. Alas, public meetings still start with the pledge of allegiance, but the words no longer have meaning – the Republic is officially dead. The emperor in chief needs no consent to wage war; he is above all sanction. Mourning over the corpse will only get you on the no fly list. 

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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Hedge Funds Speculators and Their Poverty Premium

The short sale protection racket known as hedge funds is a speculators’ dream come true. According to Investopedia, What Does Hedge Fund Mean? is defined as, "An aggressively managed portfolio of investments that uses advanced investment strategies such as leveraged, long, short and derivative positions in both domestic and international markets with the goal of generating high returns (either in an absolute sense or over a specified market benchmark). Hedge funds use dozens of different strategies, so it isn't accurate to say that hedge funds just "hedge risk". 

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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Weird Global Warming and Nuclear Science

The catastrophic disaster that swept Japan into a new stone age is truly an earth-shattering milestone. Worldwide grief and empathy is real and deserved. If this occurrence were only, a script out of a Godzilla B movie, or just lyrics from a ringtone song, the hurt or the aftermath would not be so horrible. 
you cannot run in any direction 
no place to hide ain't got 
no protection it can be sorrow, blood, and destruction 
but it can give you incredible emotion 
How does one explain this calamity? Is it a mysterious act of God, or is it modern technology run amuck? 

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Monday, March 24, 2014

Hosni Mubarak and American Foreign Policy

The sands of time sweep once again over the Egyptian kingdom. Hosni Mubarak is just one more in a long line of autocrats. A Pharaoh he is not. A tin horn dictator, beholding to the regal Yankee, is a more apt description. It is difficult to embrace or have sympathy for a regime that traded rendition torture for a steady flow of military and foreign aid. Mubarak, like all favored despots, has no qualms of conscience when it comes to following orders, from a higher imposing force. Now he is paying the price of being a collaborator of the American Empire. 

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Friday, March 21, 2014

The 21st Century Decade Retrospective

Two earth-shattering catastrophes shaped the last ten years. The first 911, the staged terror event that provided the self-justification to wage an endless war against phantom enemies and the second a financial meltdown of the debt ridden international banking system. This has been a frightful decade for America.Instead of looking at a straight chronicle timeline, the more meaningful approach is to relate events as they apply to a decade of war and loss of civil liberties. From a financial perspective, the 21st century has been a record of continuous weakening of Western economies and decline of a standard of living. 

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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Revolution against Central Banks

Nothing is more destructive on the planet than the insidious enslavement of humanity at the hands of central banks. The concept of debt created money violates every axiom of logic and common sense. Self-interest should be a primordial instinctive drive. Christendom once condemned usury through a papal prohibition that it was a sin to charge interest on a money loan. The Qur'an teaches, "The usury that is practiced to increase some people's wealth, does not gain anything at God". However, the Hebrew Bible makes an exception, Deuteronomy 23:21 "Unto a foreigner thou mayest lend upon interest; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon interest". 

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Road to Serfdom, Yesterday and Today

The path to a Global Gulag is paved with failed promises and stern submission. The functions of governments change little over time. Only the intensity of applying current techniques of crowd control evolves for making the task easier to corral the rowdy into prisons of their minds. Force works because people allow themselves to be intimidated and government stooges are willing to rejoice in the celebration of human misery. The police state stems from an entitlement of State tyranny, which justifies its existence based upon an absolutism of authority. 

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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Genetic Modified Foods - Senate Bill S510

If you are what you eat, we are all in deep trouble. What constitutes healthy food is a debate that can encompass different viewpoints. In spite of this, control of the food chain is a concern that crosses all ideological perspectives. The most essential of all human rights is the effective ability of access and ingestion of nutrients that are necessary to sustain life. Forced feeding of toxicants, as the only foodstuff available to the masses, is a true crime against humanity. 

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Monday, March 17, 2014

A Banana Republic Ripe for a Coup d'état

The Disunited States of America is no longer a country of national union. From the inception of the U.S. Constitution, factions continually vied for power. Yet there was a blueprint of basic precepts generally accepted as the law of the land. The appearance of legitimacy was shattered a century and half ago, that foretold the “War of Northern Aggression”. The American Revolution permanently betrayed is but a memory of past glories. The rule of law now relegated to an exhibit in a wax museum. 

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Friday, March 14, 2014

Greed is Good, but Derivatives are Better

The mysteries of complexity for exotic financial instruments disguise the pure simplicity of their shared origin; namely, gambling games where the house always wins. Who exactly is the casino host? Is it the exchange, the brokerage firm or the government regulators? What about the credit rating agencies, the insurance bookie companies like AIG or the too big to fail banksters? Surely, the Federal Reserve, foreign central banks or the infamous Bank of International Settlements, must be the bottom line keeper of the cage. 

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Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Real Threat to National Security

Is the threat from foreign terrorists the undertaking of homeland insecurity?  The preoccupation since 911 with a self-serving “War of Terror” has been masked under the appearance of national security.  Tracking down targeted Jihad terrorists and waging regional search and destroy missions has become the growth industry of the new millennium.  The rationale and justification for such a protracted conflict rests upon a cowardly attack on American soil.  If you listen to the official version of events anyone who questions the validity of blaming Islamic Fascists must be unpatriotic.   

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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Martyring Voltaire

David Irving's persecution has been compared to the prosecution of Galileo.  The Rev. Ted Pike offers up a list of other less celebrated fatalities of thought crimes.  Pike's prediction is frightening:  "The conviction of David Irving is a chilling wake-up call that hate crimes laws and international enforcement of them are not going to go away. They are vital to the ADL/B'nai B'rith master plan for eventual triumph over Christian civilization." 

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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Hamas, Israel and the United States

Much has been written about the recent Palestinian election that has Hamas the victor.  If elections have any connections with the public will at a given point in time, it can be concluded that political change was the motive for such a bombshell vote.  It should be clear that unrest from Fatah factions demonstrates their unwillingness to readily accept the outcome of Palestinian sentiment.  With this internal conflict there is a larger lesson.  Fatah will be remembered as a corrupt regime, determined to maintain the managed chaos.  What Hamas becomes may well surprise even the most hardened of critics. 

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Monday, March 10, 2014

USrael and Armageddon

You don’t have to be a follower of Cyrus Scofield to be duped into believing that the rogue nation of Israel is Zion.  All those ‘faithfully challenged’ love their celebrated dispensationalist saint.  But what about the remaining secular nut cases that run to the defense of that despotic state that claims to be a democracy?  “O, woe is me, To have seen what I have seen, see what I see!” – yes we are all Hamlets when it come to being exploited by the propagandists of perdition.  

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